资源名称:[FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - design-and-develop-a-killer-website-with-html5-and-css3
分享人:mi***lee       分享时间:2019-02-21 15:36

[FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - design-and-develop-a-killer-website-with-html5-and-css3
|____10 BONUS lectures
          |____076 Using PHP to make our form work.mp4
          |____076 Using PHP to make our form work-tr.srt
          |____076 Using PHP to make our form work-ja.srt
          |____076 Using PHP to make our form work-it.srt
          |____076 Using PHP to make our form work-en.srt
          |____076 mailer-new.php.zip
          |____075 Adding a map to the Omnifood website.mp4
          |____075 Adding a map to the Omnifood website-tr.srt
          |____075 Adding a map to the Omnifood website-ja.srt
          |____075 Adding a map to the Omnifood website-it.srt
          |____075 Adding a map to the Omnifood website-en.srt
          |____074 Super effective ways to improve your websites conversion.mp4
          |____074 Super effective ways to improve your websites conversion-tr.srt
          |____074 Super effective ways to improve your websites conversion-ja.srt
          |____074 Super effective ways to improve your websites conversion-it.srt
          |____074 Super effective ways to improve your websites conversion-en.srt
|____09 Conclusion
          |____073 You made it Congratulations.mp4
          |____073 You made it Congratulations-tr.srt
          |____073 You made it Congratulations-ja.srt
          |____073 You made it Congratulations-it.srt
          |____073 You made it Congratulations-en.srt
|____08 Optimizing and launching our website
          |____072 Google Analytics.mp4
          |____072 Google Analytics-tr.srt
          |____072 Google Analytics-ja.srt
          |____072 Google Analytics-it.srt
          |____072 Google Analytics-en.srt
          |____071 Lets launch our webpage.mp4
          |____071 Lets launch our webpage-tr.srt
          |____071 Lets launch our webpage-ja.srt
          |____071 Lets launch our webpage-it.srt
          |____071 Lets launch our webpage-en.srt
          |____070 Basic search engine optimization (SEO).mp4
          |____070 Basic search engine optimization (SEO)-tr.srt
          |____070 Basic search engine optimization (SEO)-ja.srt
          |____070 Basic search engine optimization (SEO)-it.srt
          |____070 Basic search engine optimization (SEO)-en.srt
          |____069 Performance optimization site speed.mp4
          |____069 Performance optimization site speed-tr.srt
          |____069 Performance optimization site speed-ja.srt
          |____069 Performance optimization site speed-it.srt
          |____069 Performance optimization site speed-en.srt
          |____068 Final touch creating a favicon.mp4
          |____068 Final touch creating a favicon-tr.srt
          |____068 Final touch creating a favicon-ja.srt
          |____068 Final touch creating a favicon-it.srt
          |____068 Final touch creating a favicon-en.srt
|____07 Lets add some cool effects
          |____067 Making the navigation responsive.mp4
          |____067 Making the navigation responsive-tr.srt
          |____067 Making the navigation responsive-ja.srt
          |____067 Making the navigation responsive-it.srt
          |____067 Making the navigation responsive-en.srt
          |____066 Adding animations on scroll.mp4
          |____066 Adding animations on scroll-tr.srt
          |____066 Adding animations on scroll-ja.srt
          |____066 Adding animations on scroll-it.srt
          |____066 Adding animations on scroll-en.srt
          |____065 Scrolling to elements.mp4
          |____065 Scrolling to elements-tr.srt
          |____065 Scrolling to elements-ja.srt
          |____065 Scrolling to elements-it.srt
          |____065 Scrolling to elements-en.srt
          |____064 Building a sticky navigation - Part 2.mp4
          |____064 Building a sticky navigation - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____064 Building a sticky navigation - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____064 Building a sticky navigation - Part 2-it.srt
          |____064 Building a sticky navigation - Part 2-en.srt
          |____063 Building a sticky navigation - Part 1.mp4
          |____063 Building a sticky navigation - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____063 Building a sticky navigation - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____063 Building a sticky navigation - Part 1-it.srt
          |____063 Building a sticky navigation - Part 1-en.srt
          |____062 Introduction to jQuery.mp4
          |____062 Introduction to jQuery-tr.srt
          |____062 Introduction to jQuery-ja.srt
          |____062 Introduction to jQuery-it.srt
          |____062 Introduction to jQuery-en.srt
          |____061 Omnifood-After-Section-7.zip
|____06 Responsive web design with media queries
          |____060 A note about web browsers.mp4
          |____060 A note about web browsers-tr.srt
          |____060 A note about web browsers-ja.srt
          |____060 A note about web browsers-it.srt
          |____060 A note about web browsers-en.srt
          |____059 Making the webpage responsive - Part 2.mp4
          |____059 Making the webpage responsive - Part 2-en.srt
          |____058 Making the webpage responsive - Part 1.mp4
          |____058 Making the webpage responsive - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____058 Making the webpage responsive - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____058 Making the webpage responsive - Part 1-it.srt
          |____058 Making the webpage responsive - Part 1-en.srt
|____05 The killer website project
          |____057 Building the footer - Part 2.mp4
          |____057 Building the footer - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____057 Building the footer - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____057 Building the footer - Part 2-it.srt
          |____057 Building the footer - Part 2-en.srt
          |____056 Building the footer - Part 1.mp4
          |____056 Building the footer - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____056 Building the footer - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____056 Building the footer - Part 1-it.srt
          |____056 Building the footer - Part 1-en.srt
          |____055 Building the contact form form - Part 2.mp4
          |____055 Building the contact form form - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____055 Building the contact form form - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____055 Building the contact form form - Part 2-it.srt
          |____055 Building the contact form form - Part 2-en.srt
          |____054 Building the contact form form - Part 1.mp4
          |____054 Building the contact form form - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____054 Building the contact form form - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____054 Building the contact form form - Part 1-it.srt
          |____054 Building the contact form form - Part 1-en.srt
          |____053 Building the sign-up section - Part 2.mp4
          |____053 Building the sign-up section - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____053 Building the sign-up section - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____053 Building the sign-up section - Part 2-it.srt
          |____053 Building the sign-up section - Part 2-en.srt
          |____052 Building the sign-up section - Part 1.mp4
          |____052 Building the sign-up section - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____052 Building the sign-up section - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____052 Building the sign-up section - Part 1-it.srt
          |____052 Building the sign-up section - Part 1-en.srt
          |____051 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 2.mp4
          |____051 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____051 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____051 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 2-it.srt
          |____051 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 2-en.srt
          |____050 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 1.mp4
          |____050 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____050 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____050 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 1-it.srt
          |____050 Building the customer testimonials section - Part 1-en.srt
          |____049 Building the cities section - Part 2.mp4
          |____049 Building the cities section - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____049 Building the cities section - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____049 Building the cities section - Part 2-it.srt
          |____049 Building the cities section - Part 2-en.srt
          |____048 Building the cities section - Part 1.mp4
          |____048 Building the cities section - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____048 Building the cities section - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____048 Building the cities section - Part 1-it.srt
          |____048 Building the cities section - Part 1-en.srt
          |____047 Building the how-it-works section - Part 2.mp4
          |____047 Building the how-it-works section - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____047 Building the how-it-works section - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____047 Building the how-it-works section - Part 2-it.srt
          |____047 Building the how-it-works section - Part 2-en.srt
          |____046 Building the how-it-works section - Part 1.mp4
          |____046 Building the how-it-works section - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____046 Building the how-it-works section - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____046 Building the how-it-works section - Part 1-it.srt
          |____046 Building the how-it-works section - Part 1-en.srt
          |____045 Building the favorite meals section - Part 2.mp4
          |____045 Building the favorite meals section - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____045 Building the favorite meals section - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____045 Building the favorite meals section - Part 2-it.srt
          |____045 Building the favorite meals section - Part 2-en.srt
          |____044 Building the favorite meals section - Part 1.mp4
          |____044 Building the favorite meals section - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____044 Building the favorite meals section - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____044 Building the favorite meals section - Part 1-it.srt
          |____044 Building the favorite meals section - Part 1-en.srt
          |____043 Building the features section - Part 2.mp4
          |____043 Building the features section - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____043 Building the features section - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____043 Building the features section - Part 2-it.srt
          |____043 Building the features section - Part 2-en.srt
          |____042 Building the features section - Part 1.mp4
          |____042 Building the features section - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____042 Building the features section - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____042 Building the features section - Part 1-it.srt
          |____042 Building the features section - Part 1-en.srt
          |____041 Building the header - Part 3.mp4
          |____041 Building the header - Part 3-tr.srt
          |____041 Building the header - Part 3-ja.srt
          |____041 Building the header - Part 3-it.srt
          |____041 Building the header - Part 3-en.srt
          |____040 Building the header - Part 2.mp4
          |____040 Building the header - Part 2-tr.srt
          |____040 Building the header - Part 2-ja.srt
          |____040 Building the header - Part 2-it.srt
          |____040 Building the header - Part 2-en.srt
          |____039 Building the header - Part 1.mp4
          |____039 Building the header - Part 1-tr.srt
          |____039 Building the header - Part 1-ja.srt
          |____039 Building the header - Part 1-it.srt
          |____039 Building the header - Part 1-en.srt
          |____038 Setting up the fluid grid for responsive web design.mp4
          |____038 Setting up the fluid grid for responsive web design-tr.srt
          |____038 Setting up the fluid grid for responsive web design-ja.srt
          |____038 Setting up the fluid grid for responsive web design-it.srt
          |____038 Setting up the fluid grid for responsive web design-en.srt
|____04 Web design basics
          |____029 Getting inspired the secret ingredient for stunning web design.mp4
          |____029 Getting inspired the secret ingredient for stunning web design-tr.srt
          |____029 Getting inspired the secret ingredient for stunning web design-ja.srt
          |____029 Getting inspired the secret ingredient for stunning web design-it.srt
          |____029 Getting inspired the secret ingredient for stunning web design-en.srt
          |____028 Introduction to user experience.mp4
          |____028 Introduction to user experience-tr.srt
          |____028 Introduction to user experience-ja.srt
          |____028 Introduction to user experience-it.srt
          |____028 Introduction to user experience-en.srt
          |____027 Spacing and layout.mp4
          |____027 Spacing and layout-tr.srt
          |____027 Spacing and layout-ja.srt
          |____027 Spacing and layout-it.srt
          |____027 Spacing and layout-en.srt
          |____026 Working with icons.mp4
          |____026 Working with icons-tr.srt
          |____026 Working with icons-ja.srt
          |____026 Working with icons-it.srt
          |____026 Working with icons-en.srt
          |____025 Working with images.mp4
          |____025 Working with images-tr.srt
          |____025 Working with images-ja.srt
          |____025 Working with images-it.srt
          |____025 Working with images-en.srt
          |____023 Using colors like a pro.mp4
          |____023 Using colors like a pro-tr.srt
          |____023 Using colors like a pro-ja.srt
          |____023 Using colors like a pro-it.srt
          |____023 Using colors like a pro-en.srt
          |____022 Beautiful typography.mp4
          |____022 Beautiful typography-tr.srt
          |____022 Beautiful typography-ja.srt
          |____022 Beautiful typography-it.srt
          |____022 Beautiful typography-en.srt
          |____021 Introduction to web design.mp4
          |____021 Introduction to web design-tr.srt
          |____021 Introduction to web design-ja.srt
          |____021 Introduction to web design-it.srt
          |____021 Introduction to web design-en.srt
|____03 Formatting with CSS
          |____020 Getting started with the Chrome Developer Tools.mp4
          |____020 Getting started with the Chrome Developer Tools-tr.srt
          |____020 Getting started with the Chrome Developer Tools-ja.srt
          |____020 Getting started with the Chrome Developer Tools-it.srt
          |____020 Getting started with the Chrome Developer Tools-en.srt
          |____019 Relative vs. Absolute.mp4
          |____019 Relative vs. Absolute-tr.srt
          |____019 Relative vs. Absolute-ja.srt
          |____019 Relative vs. Absolute-it.srt
          |____019 Relative vs. Absolute-en.srt
          |____018 Polishing our blog post.mp4
          |____018 Polishing our blog post-tr.srt
          |____018 Polishing our blog post-ja.srt
          |____018 Polishing our blog post-it.srt
          |____018 Polishing our blog post-en.srt
          |____017 Building a simple layout.mp4
          |____017 Building a simple layout-tr.srt
          |____017 Building a simple layout-ja.srt
          |____017 Building a simple layout-it.srt
          |____017 Building a simple layout-en.srt
          |____016 The CSS box model.mp4
          |____016 The CSS box model-tr.srt
          |____016 The CSS box model-ja.srt
          |____016 The CSS box model-it.srt
          |____016 The CSS box model-en.srt
          |____015 Classes and IDs.mp4
          |____015 Classes and IDs-tr.srt
          |____015 Classes and IDs-ja.srt
          |____015 Classes and IDs-it.srt
          |____015 Classes and IDs-en.srt
          |____014 Colors.mp4
          |____014 Colors-tr.srt
          |____014 Colors-ja.srt
          |____014 Colors-it.srt
          |____014 Colors-en.srt
          |____013 Starting to make our webpage pretty text.mp4
          |____013 Starting to make our webpage pretty text-tr.srt
          |____013 Starting to make our webpage pretty text-ja.srt
          |____013 Starting to make our webpage pretty text-it.srt
          |____013 Starting to make our webpage pretty text-en.srt
          |____012 Getting started with CSS.mp4
          |____012 Getting started with CSS-tr.srt
          |____012 Getting started with CSS-ja.srt
          |____012 Getting started with CSS-it.srt
          |____012 Getting started with CSS-en.srt
|____02 Dive into HTML
          |____011 One more thing links.mp4
          |____011 One more thing links-tr.srt
          |____011 One more thing links-ja.srt
          |____011 One more thing links-it.srt
          |____011 One more thing links-en.srt
          |____010 Images and attributes.mp4
          |____010 Images and attributes-tr.srt
          |____010 Images and attributes-ja.srt
          |____010 Images and attributes-it.srt
          |____010 Images and attributes-en.srt
          |____009 Starting to fill the structure.mp4
          |____009 Starting to fill the structure-tr.srt
          |____009 Starting to fill the structure-ja.srt
          |____009 Starting to fill the structure-it.srt
          |____009 Starting to fill the structure-en.srt
          |____008 The structure of an HTML document.mp4
          |____008 The structure of an HTML document-tr.srt
          |____008 The structure of an HTML document-ja.srt
          |____008 The structure of an HTML document-it.srt
          |____008 The structure of an HTML document-en.srt
          |____007 What is HTML.mp4
          |____007 What is HTML-tr.srt
          |____007 What is HTML-ja.srt
          |____007 What is HTML-it.srt
          |____007 What is HTML-en.srt
          |____006 Our main tool Brackets text editor.mp4
          |____006 Our main tool Brackets text editor-tr.srt
          |____006 Our main tool Brackets text editor-ja.srt
          |____006 Our main tool Brackets text editor-it.srt
          |____006 Our main tool Brackets text editor-en.srt
          |____005 blog-post.zip
|____01 Course introduction
          |____001 Lets start this amazing journey.mp4
          |____001 Lets start this amazing journey-tr.srt
          |____001 Lets start this amazing journey-ja.srt
          |____001 Lets start this amazing journey-it.srt
          |____001 Lets start this amazing journey-en.srt


[ [FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - design-and-develop-a-killer-website-with-html5-and-css3 ] 由分享人 mi***lee2019-02-21 15:36 上传到百度网盘。此页面由蜘蛛程序自动抓取,以非人工方式自动生成,只作交流和学习使用。本网站本身不储存任何资源文件,其资源文件的安全性和完整性需要您自行判断,感谢您对本站的支持。

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